So today we're going to the gym.  We have an appointment with a trainer who will hopefully be helpful (can you sense my skepticism?) in helping us both formulate a work out plan that will give us the best results.  So between now and 7 PM, I need to figure out what my fitness goals really are.  I have some vague ideas, but I'm going to try to articulate here, and since we know I'm good at 3s, maybe I'll just start there ...
  1. Lose weight.
  2. Increase endurance.
  3. Increase flexibility.
Lose weight.  This one is pretty self explanatory.  I need to drop excess weight for many reasons.  I'm genetically at risk for developing Diabetes.  My body and joints hurt from all the weight.  I hate the way I look and feel because I'm obese.  I don't want to be embarrassed about how huge and flabby my arms are anymore.  I want to feel better about the way I look so I can bring back that sassy woman that wooed my future husband in the first place!  Also, when the baby factory opens, it's going to be a far easier and healthier pregnancy if I weigh less.  Losing weight will do wonders for my overall physical health AND my emotional health.  I'll feel better about me and maybe I can learn to see me the way my future husband does instead of the horribly negative way I see myself now.

Increase endurance.  I want to be the Energizer Bunny.  The Energizer Bunny doesn't get winded going up a flight of stairs.  I used to not get winded, but my recent weight gain has really taken a toll.  I also do a lot of craft shows in the fall and winter and having the endurance to get through it without taking a day afterwards to recover would be nice.  Then there's my annual volunteering at Fertile Ground Gathering each May - I need to be able to run all over that park like no one's business for 5 days and not feel like I'm dying half way into the first day.  Also, there will be kids in the future.  How the heck am I going to keep up with the kids if I can't run?  ZOMG and dancing.  I'd like to be able to rock out some Lindy Hop for a few songs without dying or getting horribly winded.

Increase flexibility.  I don't want or need to be a pretzel lady, but I enjoy Yoga and when I do it, I have to modify most poses because of my lack of flexibility.  I also can't freaking touch my toes because the muscles and tendons in my legs are so tight they're screaming when I reach to my ankles.  I don't know if there's any medical advantage to being more flexible (like I need scientific justification?), but I want to be more flexible than I am today and really that's all that matters.

Tell me your goals.  What do you want from your body that you don't have today?
Horatio von Spousendoofus
10/23/2013 11:57:17 pm

I believe your husband-to-be would be more than happy to explore the various benefits of greater felixibility.

btw, folks, I am said husband-to-be. ;)

10/24/2013 12:04:44 am

Horatio, you dirty bird!


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